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Content/Noun Clause: “I know that they are nice” becomes “I that they nice be/are know”. “That” is a particle that introduces the noun clause: Fesi.

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Adverbial Clauses: sandwiched into oblique position; that is, “Before the sun rises, they will meet” becomes “they (particle) the sun before rises will meet”. The adverb, similarly to the construction of noun clauses, comes in the oblique position after the noun and before the verb.

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Relative Clauses: use non-reduction. The shared subject is a fully fledged noun in the embedded clause, which usually precedes the main clause. “Susan bought the plants that the capybara ate” becomes “the plants the capybara eaten by, Susan them bought”. The determiner in the main clause taking the  place of a definite article indicates the shared subject. To make verbs passive, as in the statement above, the particle zo becomes a suffix, functioning similar to English “by”.

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© 2018-2019 by Katherine B Taylor. Not affiliated with Monte Cook Games.

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