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Person names, including titles of honor, can contain up to five pieces of information. The order is typically honorific, job title or role in the community, clan name (equivalent to surname), daily name (equivalent to first name), and the order that the person was born out of all clan children in the same year. Children are often named for luck , and are given day-names that represent valued things to Seaspeakers; pearl, calm sea, moon, lucky, strength, wisdom, etc.


-efu is a suffix that essentially means “of the clan”, like “Mac” or “Nic” in the Gaelic languages. This is one of the few times a root might change the stem, as in Matari to Matarefu. The clan name is a collective/plural; elorile “the Lorile” would mean all of the clanspeople.


Some of these will not apply to every person; until children undergo a rite of passage into adulthood and are accepted as apprentices in a career, they will likely only be known by their day-name and possibly their birth order if there is another child by the same day-name. Within a clan itself, there is no need to address someone by their shared clan name and they will likely be called by title and day-name alone.

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© 2018-2019 by Katherine B Taylor. Not affiliated with Monte Cook Games.

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